Some time during the 3 weeks of 'resting' off work we managed to concieve our little pip! Hooray! At the moment I am now 22weeks pregnant and over half way there..EEK! Here is a catch up of its progress over the past 5 months.....

This is the 12 week scan picture! Its so cute!

This is me looking TIRED at 20 weeks.

And this is the picture from the 20 week scan, baby put its arms over its head at the crutial moment! Hah camera shy already! Bit hazy but still lovely!
And there you have it...the pip so far! I don't want to bore people too much about it as this is mostly a crafty blog but I thought I'd share it with you.....
By the way we don't know whether its a girl or boy, its going to be a surprise! I'm normally impatient and rubbish at surprises but I reckon I can handle this one! xxxx